Breastfeeding is often associated with the first months of a baby's life, but more and more mothers are choosing to continue breastfeeding beyond a year, or even several years. However, despite WHO recommendations that encourage breastfeeding up to 2 years and beyond , prolonged breastfeeding remains a subject of debate and still gives rise to many prejudices.

What are the real benefits of extended breastfeeding? Why does it provoke so many reactions? Let's decipher together this practice which, although ancient and natural, often remains misunderstood and judged.

1. What is extended breastfeeding?

Extended breastfeeding refers to continuing to breastfeed a child after one year of age , or even up to 2, 3, or 4 years of age .

🍼 What do the official recommendations say?

  • The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months , then breastfeeding supplemented with solid foods for up to 2 years and beyond .
  • UNICEF and the American Academy of Pediatrics also support this recommendation.

🌍 In the world

  • In some cultures, breastfeeding beyond 2 years is completely normal .
  • In Western countries, long-term breastfeeding is less common, often seen as "strange" or "unnecessary".

💡 What you need to remember : Extended breastfeeding is a completely natural practice and encouraged by health professionals, but it is still the victim of many prejudices.

2. The benefits of extended breastfeeding

Contrary to popular belief, breastfeeding after one year does not lose its interest . It continues to provide nutritional, immune and emotional benefits to the child and the mother.

🍼 1. Always nourishing and suitable milk

  • Even after 1 year, breast milk remains a source of essential nutrients (proteins, vitamins, fatty acids).
  • Its composition evolves according to the child's needs , a real "tailor-made" milk.

🛡 2. A strengthening of the immune system

  • Long-term breastfeeding protects against infections (gastroenteritis, colds, ear infections).
  • It reduces the risks of long-term chronic diseases (diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases).

❤️ 3. A reassuring and calming effect

  • Breastfeeding provides emotional comfort to the child during times of stress or illness.
  • It promotes a secure attachment , helping with healthy emotional development.

🏋️‍♀️ 4. Benefits for the mother

  • Reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancer .
  • Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
  • Promotes a return to a healthy weight after childbirth.

🗣 Testimony of Sarah, mother of Emma (2 years old) :
"I thought I would only breastfeed for 6 months, but then it happened naturally. Today, my daughter is 2 years old and she still breastfeeds in the evening before going to sleep. It's a moment of tenderness that we share and that comforts her."

3. Prejudices and criticisms surrounding prolonged breastfeeding

Despite its many benefits, extended breastfeeding remains a controversial topic in some cultures, particularly in the West.

1. “After one year, breast milk is no longer of any interest”

As we have seen, breast milk remains rich in nutrients and continues to play a key role in the health of the child.

2. “Prolonged breastfeeding makes the child dependent”


  • The secure attachment that breastfeeding provides , on the contrary, helps the child to become independent gently.
  • A child who is breastfed for a long time will not necessarily be more "clingy" than another.

3. “Breastfeeding a talking baby is weird.”


  • Just because a child is talking doesn't mean he or she no longer needs comfort.
  • In many cultures, breastfeeding a child of 2, 3 or even 4 years old is completely normal.

4. “Prolonged breastfeeding is detrimental to married life”


  • Breastfeeding should not be seen as a hindrance to a couple's life, but as a parental choice .
  • Each couple finds their balance based on their values ​​and needs.

🗣 Testimony from Claire, mother of Lucas (3 years old) :
"I often heard comments like 'are you going to breastfeed him until he gets married?' At first it hurt me, then I understood that these remarks mainly came from a lack of information. My son weaned himself naturally at 3 years old, without any problem."

4. How to deal with criticism and take responsibility for your choice?

If you breastfeed your child beyond one year, you may encounter surprised looks and even derogatory comments.

🎤 1. Educate yourself and respond to comments with facts

Explaining WHO recommendations and the benefits of breast milk after one year can help deconstruct prejudices.

🧘‍♀️ 2. Listen to your instincts and ignore judgments

Every mom and baby is different. What matters is what's right for you and your baby .

🤝 3. Find support from other moms

Joining breastfeeding support groups can be a great way to share your experience and feel understood.

🗣 Testimony of Léa, mother of Tom (2 and a half years old) :
"When you fully accept your choice, the comments eventually slide away. My son and I shared a wonderful milky adventure, and that's all that matters to me."

Conclusion: a personal and natural choice

Extended breastfeeding offers many benefits for both the baby and the mother. However, it remains poorly understood and often criticized.

The main thing is to trust your instinct , listen to your child and detach yourself from the gaze of others. Whether you breastfeed for 3 months, 1 year or 3 years, the important thing is that each mother can experience breastfeeding without pressure or judgment .

💕 And you, have you experienced or are you considering extended breastfeeding? Share your experience and move the dialogue forward!